Day 97

Tried a new spot on Clear Creek today for a few hours.  I used a pullout just above Huntsman Gulch and found a nice spot with a few different pools and runs.  I tied on a Yellow Humpy and started fishing to the first pool.  First cast I catch a little 7" brown trout to start the day off right.  I continue to cast int he same area and get a couple sniffs but no bites before I start casting to the far pool.  I see a fish rise as I am pulling the fly back and cast back immediately and sure enough get him to take it for my second fish of the day.

I start moving upstream to a few different spots with no luck before I head back downstream.  Over the next couple hours I catch to more brown's before calling it a day because of the heat.  Another 90+ degree day in the canyon shortened the day down to about 3 1/2 hours of fishing before it became to hot.  Still had a good day of fishing a new spot.

Rod:  Iwana 12'
Line:  3rd Gen Traditional Tenkara 10 1/2'
Fly that worked:  Yellow Humpy


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