Mark and I decide to head up to Clear Creek for the day and work our way around the other anglers. We get to the creek around 1pm and start in the lower canyon. Mark starts out with a green amy's ant and I start with a green drake.

Mark gets on the board fairly quickly but I can't seem to get any action. We fish this area for an hour or so with only one fish and a couple of sniffs before we decide to head up to the area by Empire. We get to the creek with the clouds moving in. Marks starts half way up and works upstream while I walk down to the lower part and fish my way up.
I still have the Green Drake on and almost immediately have a little brown on. I fish the edges and am catching a fish in almost every good hole, the biggest being a very slender 14" brown. I work my way up to Mark catching a half dozen fish or so before meeting up with him. Mark was getting a lot of sniffs but no fish, so we decide to head downstream and try a new spot.

We try one of the pullouts above Idaho Springs and come across a pretty good section of water. We split up again and try a few spots each. I continue to have good luck with the Green Drake, catching another half dozen fish or so, while Mark's story is also the same. After an hour or so we pick up and try one last spot in the upper canyon. Mark tries a couple holes before the rains come in and we call it day.
Good day of late afternoon fishing with a buddy.
Rod: Iwana 12' 6/4
Line: Riggs Floating Line 12'
Fly that Worked: Green Drake
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