Good day on the Poudre River

We park at Century Park and fish our way upstream to the South fork. Mark takes the near side while I head over to the far side. As I am crossing I cast into a couple pools and the second pool gives up a little 9" brown on a rusty spinner to start the day. I continue working my way up catching a half dozen or so fish split between rainbows and browns and the biggest being around 14 inches.
We finally work our way to the South Fork and start fishing our way upstream. I catch a little 6" brown in the first area I try and am feeling pretty good about the South Fork. That feeling is diminished quickly as neither Mark or I can catch or even see a fish over the next 1/4 mile. With no action to be had we call it quits on the south Fork and head back to the car.

After about six hours of fishing and a dozen fish for each of us we call it a day and head home with another good day of fishing in the books.
Rod: Iwana 12' 6/4
Line: Riggs Floating Line 12'
Flies that worked: Rusty Spinner, Amy's Ant(Red)
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