First effort at fishing since getting out of the hospital I decided to head up to Clear Creek at a spot I know well. I picked this spot so I would not have to put on waders and could just walk the bank. The day was sunny but pretty windy making every cast a challenge. I start the day tying on a Parachute adams but after a few refusals I switch up to a BWO and catch a nice 12" brown to start the day off. After making one pass through this section I decide to walk back downstream and make another pass but tie on a winged ant this time. Second pass through I manage to catch four more little browns before fishing becomes a little to much for me and I call it a day. Great to get out and fish even if though took it's toll on me. Can't wait till the surgery and I get back to normal and full days of fishing!
Rod: Iwana 12' 6/4
Line: Furled 12'
Fly that Worked: Winged Ant
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