Clear Creek

Headed back up to Clear Creek on what turned out to be a beautiful Sunday.  With the added weekend pressure I end up having to fish three different areas for the day.  My first stop I end up getting three before getting high holed by a couple other fisherman.  After picking up and moving to a new spot, the good fishing continues and I pick up two more with a bunch of misses.  I finish up that section uninterrupted and move to another part of the creek.  I pick a section with nobody on it and walk downstream a little so I can fish my way back up.  I get through about half of the section before I see another fisherman high hole me again.  After catching six more fish I call it a day and head home.  Good day on the water despite the rude fisherman!

Rod:  Tenkara USA Iwana 12'
Line:  Streamside Leaders Nano Dragon 11'
Fly that Worked:  Amy's Ant
