South Platte River

Headed back out with Derron and Mark to do some fishing but this time we went south and fished the South Platte River.  We tried a section of water none of us had ever fished before but the area looked like it had been fished by a bunch of people.  Never the less we walk a ways from the parking lot trying to get away from people and start to fish.  Mark pulls in two on a streamer before we run into more fisherman.  We decide to take a break and then walk a little further away trying to find some unfished water.  Finally Derron and I get into a couple fish each and Mark picks up three more.  One of my fish turned out to be a 19" fat Brown Trout caught on a Amy's Ant and 6x tippet.  Even though I only caught two, catching that big one held me over the rest of the day.  Good day on some new water.

Rod:  Tenkara USA Iwana 12'
Line:  Streamside Leaders Nano Dragon 11'
Fly that Worked:  Amy's Ant
