South Platte River

Headed down to the South Platte River for the day to a section of water I haven't fished in a while.  I tie on a hopper dropper rig and start my way up the first stretch.  This stretch ends up being very slow and I pick up just three little browns, one on a emerger and two on the two bit hooker.  I move on to the other area I wanted to try and switch to a double dropper under the Amy's Ant knowing I am fishing some deeper spots.  The first pool gives up four rainbows and a brown caught on the Amy's Ant, Copper John and Two Bit Hooker.  The second pool gives up three more with another two hooked that got off.  I end the day after about 4 hours of fishing and head home.  Good day!

Rod:  Tenkara USA Hane 11'
Line:  Tenkara USA Furled 10'
Fly that Worked:  Amy's Ant, Copper John, Two Bit Hooker, Emerger


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