Camping day 1

Having days to kill I decided to do a overnight camping/fishing trip.  I head back to the area I camped in last week, hoping to duplicate the experience.  After hiking in an hour and setting camp up I gather my fishing gear and head downstream for about 30 minutes so I can fish back up to camp.  The fishing starts off tough for some reason and it takes me almost an hour to catch my first fish.  Once that happened though the ice was broke and I consistently had fish on the rest of the day.  The action was so heavy that I fished four four hours and didn't even make it back to camp.  I finish the day with more fish than I cared to count despite the wind and all the moss beds.  Day 1 was a success!

Rod:  Tenkara USA Iwana 12'
Line:  Streamside Leaders Nano Dragon 11'
Fly that Worked:  Amy's Ant


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